What Is Security Model in D365?


Microsoft Dynamics 365 is powered by the data of your company, which requires protection not only from third parties but also from employees who do not need to access the entire scope of information for performing their tasks. To ensure the data is safe, the Microsoft ERP system is using an advanced model for security, requiring an explanation for effective usage.

Organization Hierarchy of Security Model

The building blocks of the Microsoft Dynamics 365 security model are such entities as Business Units, Teams, and Users.

Your organization itself is regarded by the system as a root business unit that cannot be deleted after its creation. Yet, it can be divided into numerous child business units. This option allows you to create any hierarchy you want representing departments of an enterprise based on any preferable criteria, for instance, a field of activity or geographical location.

As you can imagine, a User represents any individual person working with the ERP system. According to the security rules of Microsoft Dynamics 365, every user can be assigned only to a single business unit. Yet, the same user can belong to an unlimited number of teams. Note that each business unit has a default team, however, you can add extra teams if needed.

Access Levels and Privileges of Microsoft Dynamics 365

Data security within the structure mentioned above is maintained through access restrictions and permissions.

Microsoft Dynamics 365 has a set of actions to manipulate data, which are known as privileges. They include creating new records, their viewing, changing, sharing, assigning ownership, and removing. In addition to it, there are special privileges for associating records with each other.

Access levels determine the scope of records to which a user has privileges.

The maximum access level of Microsoft Dynamics 365 is known as Global, and it makes all of the possible organization’s records available to a person. The Deep access level limits the range of available records to a certain business unit with all of its subordinate units.

The Local level decreases the choice of records only to the ones belonging to a particular business unit, while the Basic level gives access to the records shared with a team.

Finally, an access level can also be set to None with no possibility to interact with records.

Levels of Security

Microsoft Dynamics 365 gives its users extended options for security customization. It can be done directly on the level of records through restricting or allowing access to certain records. It is also possible to work with fields in records with the Field security level.

There is one more functionality known as role-based security, which can be viewed as standardized sets of permissions and restrictions for users occupying certain vacancies or performing particular tasks in the company. There are default security roles provided by Microsoft, for example, Support User, Salesperson or Marketing Manager, however, they can be modified and new roles can be added.

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